For almost 100 years we have cooperated effectively and successfully with our customers and suppliers. Our team of skilled professionals not only has a practice-oriented know-how on all aspects of fish, but also has a great experience on the varied import and export procedure tasks. These cover the full range from documentation to customs clearance down to labelling and stock-keeping.
Such are the synergies that together with our wealth of experience grown in decades our national and international customers derive the utmost benefit from. We not only provide the highest degree of quality goods monitored by consistent goods input controls but also offer a comprehensive range of fresh and frozen fish. This is kept at the highest level through constant on-site production controls. Our experienced specialists provide current market information to both customers and suppliers additionally offering professional services ranging from consulting and support down to purchasing, development and marketing.
Every day we meet the challenges of the market and, therefore, are in a position to guarantee our customers the provision of raw materials of all our products at the best possible terms.
As we maintain own stocks, of course, we are ready to deliver at any time and can offer our goods at stable and customer-friendly prices.
Beside our key business activities our team of experts additionally offers the service of individual product solutions tailored to our customers’ particular requirements.